Functional Programming in JavaScript
Functional Programming in JavaScript
· โ˜• 1 min read
In this talk, we start exploring basics of FP and end on a wild-speed tour of some power in libraries like ramda.js

React Everywhere
React Everywhere
· โ˜• 1 min read
Slides and code from my workshop React Everywhere at CodeMash 2017 where I had attendees build a conference schedule using both React and React Native, while sharing the redux store from both.

Bootstrapping React Applications
· โ˜• 1 min read
Slides and notes from my talk at MidwestJS 2016, Bootstrapping React Applications - where I discuss how to start a new project without getting bogged down in analysis paralysis

Low impact Ajax with jQuery and ASP.NET MVC
· โ˜• 2 min read
Hereโ€™s a simple way to avoid postbacks in your site, still be SEO friendly and degrade gracefully to JavaScript free browsers (and handle middle clicks and copy&paste) in ASP.NET MVC using jQuery. First, weโ€™ll create an alternate MasterPage called No.master with no content, only one ContentPlaceHolder: <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID=โ€œMainContentโ€ runat=โ€œserverโ€ /> Now, weโ€™re able to tell via HTTP Headers if a Request is an Ajax Request, so weโ€™ll write a new method in our Controller Base class to toggle the master page: